So Why Does Everyone Want To Get Married?

I asked myself this question yesterday, as I thought about the many young people who are longing to find that perfect partner and settle down.  Is there something on the other side of singlehood that makes everyone want to jump over to the other side? Let’s find out!

  1. Companionship

Most married couples will tell you that having someone to talk to every evening is a blessing. When a marriage is going well, then the couple gets to share moments of light chatter as well as deep discussion. Though men don’t like to talk much about their issues, they appreciate having a wife who listens to them when there is something to share.

This point is a challenge to the singles – when you do get married, will you strive to maintain companionship with your spouse?

  1. Friendship

It is said that the best person to marry is your best friend. Why is that? Marrying your best friend means that you get to spend the rest of your life with someone who accepts you, and wants the best for you. Have you ever seen couples who begin to look alike after several years of marriage? They look alike because they spend lots of time together and enjoy each other’s company.

At some point in marriage, when the feelings of intimacy start to disappear, friendship will remain. Your friend will stand by you through trials, illness, and grief. Marry your friend.

  1. Partnership

We all have grand projects that we long to achieve. Sometimes, however, it’s hard to make these projects happen on your own (though not impossible). Married couples have an advantage here, because they plan together, pool their resources, and work on the projects together.

Parenting is one of the best examples here. You and your spouse plan when to have kids, how many you want, and how to bring them up.

Just remember, for your projects to succeed, you must have similar values and goals. If you do not agree, your plans will not work out the way you expect them to.

  1. Growth

Marriage makes you grow as an individual. When you get married, the challenge of meeting another person’s needs turns you from a selfish individual into a minister. Get into marriage with the right attitude, i.e. that you are there to meet your spouse’s needs and help them grow, and you will find yourself growing and maturing in the process.

The marriage journey comes with its challenges, but as you face each one together, your love for one another will grow, your relationship will become stronger, and you will mature as a person.

Love is, of course, the most popular reason for getting married. Love, however, grows in tandem with companionship, friendship, and partnership. Most importantly, let’s not forget that it takes reliance on God to keep a marriage strong and healthy!



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