Don’t you wish you had a way to light up the darkness that sometimes engulfs you?
Those of us who were into Amy Grant back in the day, do you remember the song “Thy Word”? I used to sing it all the time (most of the time in my head) whenever I was going through dark times, especially when in and right after campus. Recently I heard a Swahili version of the same song, and that got me thinking – what makes God’s light so special? Why do we need it in the dark times?
God’s Light Gives Direction
Picture yourself walking in the dark in a new place. How sure are you that you are headed in the right direction? For all you know, your next step could land you in a deep hole or a pool of water! You move ahead cautiously, testing the ground before you put your foot down firmly – until you see a light in the distance, and you become more confident!
Life has many trips in the dark, doesn’t it? A fresh college graduate who has no idea what to do with his or her life can attest to this, as can a mother who has just found out her child is terminally ill. Where do these two and so many other people find direction in the dark! God’s Word!
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT)
Inside the Bible, there is direction for almost every circumstance we find ourselves in. God, in his wisdom, knew that there would be times when each of us would find ourselves groping in the dark looking for direction, so he placed the ‘roadmaps’ in his word.
Recently I have had moments of groping in the dark, wondering why God allowed a particularly challenging situation into my life. This situation, as with most dark and uncertain situations, has really taken its time getting resolved (I know you know how that feels). Then – a few days ago, I heard the Swahili rendition of this song – and I realized that if I immersed myself in his word, I would find solace, comfort, and direction. Through the promises in his word, God’s light shines into our hearts, just as the beam from a torch pierces through the darkness, showing us which way to go.
God’s Light gives Protection
Have you ever noticed that the first candle you light during a power blackout seems to be the brightest? The light of this one candle literally chases the darkness away, doesn’t it? That is exactly how God’s light behaves when it encounters darkness – its brightness takes over!
Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation — so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” (NLT)
As I thought about the verse above, I realized that many times when we are in dark periods, we focus so much on the hopelessness and impossibility of the circumstance, to the point that it engulfs us. At this point, praying and reading the Bible is difficult – just what the enemy wants! How should we prevent ourselves from sinking deeper into this dark pit? Simple – God’s light.

Is it very hard to pray? How about talking to God and letting him know how you feel? That’s a prayer in itself! Every time you talk to God, you give him an opportunity to shine his light into your life, reducing the darkness in your heart bit by bit. The first few days may be difficult, but with time, you actually feel more alive and connected with God.
Is it tough reading the Bible? Think about it this way – whatever you read in a book, on the phone, or see on TV is stored in your mind. In the same way, when you read the Bible, the words are stored in your mind, and you gradually begin to believe in and focus on them, rather than the darkness in your life. An exchange takes place – words of comfort go in, and out go the words of discouragement!
Dear friends, let the word of God illuminate your heart and protect it from the darkness that would destroy your soul. Exchange the dark thoughts that are weighing you down with thoughts that are founded on God’s word – thoughts that speak of his love for you and his plan for you. Let God’s light fill you up!
Hi, everyone! As always, I am so glad that you took the time to read this article. How about you let me know what your thoughts on the topic in the comments section? Also, don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family. Blessings! – Alison
I certainly remember Amy Grant’s rendition of the song. I think when one is going through dark moments, the enemy works hard to make you find excuses that keep you away from regular reading of the word.
I totally agree! He sets up a nice pity party for you and makes you feel comfortable!