God knows why he gave me a special gift, and he will help me handle it…
A few days ago, I shared a short post on special needs parenting on my Facebook timeline, and I realized that there are many people out there who are walking a similar path and in need of encouragement. What am I talking about? Autism. Autism visited our family in the first half of this year, and things have not been the same since.
After months of wishing that it was just a normal little boy’s delay, we decided to have an assessment done. The diagnosis was confirmed one fine day in April, and after that, the journey began. Autism does not just go away, you know, it has to be consciously worked on 24 hours a day, every day of the week. There have been times when I have asked God why us, why our family, but God has encouraged my heart. Let me share a couple of the lessons I have learnt so far.

God’s plan is always plan A
Autism landing in our family was not a mistake – it was part of God’s plan for us. He knew the why, how and when long before my little one came along. God knew that this challenge would be a blessing for us.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (NLT)
This verse from Jeremiah is one of those that everyone quotes without a second thought, right? But what does it really mean for a special child? I believe that God has plans for each differently abled child and that they are good plans! Think about it – every kid who is differently abled is talented in a certain area. Some are good with numbers, others are great with their hands, and others are brilliant musicians. That talent is what will open doors for them in future, give them a chance to be independent, and enable them to excel in fields where not many other people succeed.
I am learning to accept that God’s plan for my little one is and will always be Plan A and that there is no Plan B. God’s plan was perfect from the very beginning.
Being differently abled is a gift from God
Psalm 139:14 “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” (NLT)
It’s easy to look at a ‘normal’ child and say, “how beautiful and talented she is,” isn’t it? How easily and quickly do you say those words when you meet someone physically impaired or intellectually challenged? Food for thought…
After the diagnosis, I started to see my little one in a new light. I began to ask myself questions about how the verse above from Psalms would apply to his life – wonderfully complex, marvelous workmanship, etc. The Lord then reminded me of the prayers I prayed even before conception, and how he had answered each one. The question that rung in my heart was, “Do you realize that what you have in your hand is a gift?”
I have a gift in my hands – and he is differently abled. God gave me the gift I asked for, and in his wisdom, added a little more to the package. Though that little extra in the package may be challenging, it does not reduce the quality of his workmanship in any way. That little extra is what the verse refers to as “wonderfully complex!”
God gives strength to nurture the gift
Special needs parents have a rough time, I must say. There are no off days, no breaks, and sometimes going out of the house is a challenge. Differently abled kids need lots of patience, love, time and energy.
I sometimes have days when I can’t take it any more – days when the whole thing seems too big to handle. Just when I am about to throw in the towel, though, God steps in and renews my strength. Sometimes it takes something as small as a new word, or a new skill to lift up my spirits.
Having the Lord right beside me through this journey has been so encouraging. He carries my burdens, lifts up my spirits, sends people my way to encourage me, and sends good days our way often. The Lord has truly been my strength, and because of him, I am able to nurture my differently abled child.
Psalm 16:8 “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” (NLT)
This verse is one of those I have held onto for a while – a reminder that the Lord is always beside me and I will not be shaken.
Dear friends, I would like to encourage my fellow special needs parents not to give up, but to stay close to God. Remember that God’s plan for your little one is Plan A and that there is a special and unique gift hidden beneath the exterior that the world does not understand. Most importantly, God walks beside you every step of the way, giving you the strength to handle the challenging moments and to celebrate the milestones!
Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for reading this week’s article. Do you know someone who would benefit from what I have shared? Please share the article with them. Also, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Have a great week!
Thanks for sharing. Two of my close friends have kids with Autism. It is a journey 24/7 with lots of challenges, however, God is able. My friends are very spiritual & prayerful. I see God open doors for them that are just amazing.
Amen. I am encouraged to seek the Lord all through the journey. Thanks for reading!
An inspiring article, keep encouraging parents, motherhood is a gift and so is all children regardless of their abilities..
Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for reading!
Alison. God is good at all times and works in ways we can not tell. He prepared me to raise one. I was a trained accountant but felt a need to change careers when I gave birth to my first born. Everyone expected me to do primary teaching but I went ahead to choose early childhood with special needs.and then much later God placed a dyslexic child in my hands. It’s not easy despite years of experience. Every child is unique and paths are quite different, what worked with another child does not always work with another. It’s plainly hard buy God will give us courage,energy and love to pull through. Am a happy parent and wouldn’t exchange my child for any other for what God gave was purposed and well thought .
Amen! You have really encouraged me!
Great encouragement Alison, keep it up.
Thanks for reading! Blessings
This is a great piece – real life, real faith! Alison, what comes into my heart after reading this articles are two scriptures: Ephesians 2;10 and Joshua 1:5-8. We are all God’s masterpieces, His own craftsmanship – And so is your little one. Thank God for the gift He has placed in your hands. May God’s courage, strength, wisdom and all that it takes to nurture and guide your little one be upon you. Amen.
Amen and thanks Rose for the encouragement.
God knew why He gave you especial child.He know that you are special and only your heart can handle s special child
Thank you so much for the encouragement!
Wow! ‘Wonderfully complex’, . Thank you for opening your heart and sharing. I may not have a special needs child but my ‘special’ is different. Thank you for putting out this scripture in s way that encourages one to turn to God in new faith, new strength and new courage. Shalom.
Amen dear, and thanks for reading.
Nice read alison
Thanks for reading!
Nice read Alison. I have an autistic son and let me say that it’s not easy. Thanks for this inspiration!!
Thank you so much for reading! We will get through this!
thanx so much. i have an autistic son, its quite a steep mountain, with God we shall reach the top. thanx for the encouragement
You are welcome and thanks for reading. We will make it through!