Trusting the Refiner

How do you trust someone who loves you, yet takes you through a fiery furnace? 

A few days ago I wrote a short piece on my Facebook Page called “The Strainer.” As I wrote it, I thought about the process of refining that many of us Christians go through – the process that makes us better, and draws us nearer to God.

So why did I liken the refining process to that of a strainer? Well, to make my daily dose of ‘Dawa” I need a strainer. My Dawa consists of ginger, garlic, and turmeric, crushed into a paste, and then boiled for a few minutes. Now, if I look at the solution before boiling, it looks bland and unattractive. But as soon as I put it to boil, the smell of turmeric hits my nostrils and a few minutes later, I strain this solution, add a couple of teaspoons of honey, and sit down to enjoy it.

Would my Dawa taste any good if I did not boil it? Probably not. It had garlic, remember. After boiling for a few minutes, however, the garlic smell is barely noticeable, replaced by the rich aroma of ginger and turmeric.

The same thing happens when we are refined by the Lord. Before the refining process begins, we are not much to look at, we reek of sin, and we are full of impurities. After the refining process is over, however, we come out clean, shiny, and pure.

The refining process is however very uncomfortable. Nobody enjoys being refined, even though it is necessary. Personally, when my refining seasons take too long, I find myself asking the Lord to teach me the lesson quickly so that things can get back to normal. That rarely happens, though.

Let me share a few tips that I have discovered about how to get through the refining process.

Focus on the Refiner

Imagine that you are in the house, and suddenly there is a power outage. A few seconds later, someone in another room then manages to light a candle. You then move slowly towards this light, making sure you don’t bump your foot on anything as you maintain your focus on the light. That is the same way we should focus on God, our Refiner.

The Bible tells us that there will be challenges along the Christian path. Some of them will be just like that dark house before a candle is lit. The only way to get through successfully is to keep our focus on the Lord in the distance as we try hard not to stumble along the path.

As you focus on the Lord, focus on His word as well, and let it encourage you as you pass through the fire. Let Him hold your hand as you head towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Trust the process, and the One behind the process. 

This COVID season has forced many of us into the kitchen, and so I will pick one example from there. Have you ever compared how a raw piece of chicken and a perfectly grilled piece of chicken look? Which one looks more attractive and tasty? Which one would you rather have on your plate? If you don’t put the raw chicken in the grill, it will not turn into something you can feast on. That piece of chicken must go through the cooking process to be enjoyed. Also, the cooking process is not just a matter of putting the chicken on the grill for five minutes and taking it out – it takes a while for the meat to get hot enough to release its tasty juices and develop the perfect brown color.

The process takes time. It may get very hot in there. But the end result is worth it.

Joseph had it rough before he finally got to the place where God had destined him to lead. He was ridiculed, thrown in a pit, sold to foreigners, and thrown into jail! That was quite a trying process for him, wasn’t it? But Joseph never lost his focus on God. He kept on trusting in Him and trusting that though the process was painful, the Lord was in charge. In the end, Joseph was able to save his family and the entire nation of Israel because he trusted in the One behind the process – God.

Are you getting tired of the process? Is it taking too long? Turn your eyes away from the process, and focus on the Lord behind it, and the days will become shorter, and the heat will become bearable.

Learn the lessons that God has for you

One thing I have learnt about being inside the refiner’s fire is that while I am inside there, I have lots of time to think about my life, as well as lots of time to listen to God. Many times the refining process will strip away all that I hold dear, and all that would distract me from His voice. The refiner’s fire is the perfect place to listen.

I was employed somewhere many years ago, a place that almost cost me my faith at some point. By God’s grace, I was able to rekindle my love for Him, and as was expected, that was when the fire became hottest. I got into trouble left, right, and center, to the point that I was almost being fired. I tried everything I could to do the right thing, but it was not working. Finally, I surrendered to the Lord and asked Him what lesson I needed to learn. He didn’t respond immediately, but when He did, everything became clear. I was trusting in my abilities and education more than I was trusting in Him. That was a hard lesson to learn, but I accepted his loving rebuke and surrendered to His will. A few months later I got another job, and as soon as I started the new job, I understood why this lesson had to be learnt. I would need to apply it for the rest of my life.

God always has a lesson that He wants us to learn when we are passing through His refining fire. My question is, are you going to wait until you are burnt to a crisp before you learn what He is teaching you, or are you going to learn as he refines you into something beautiful? Remember the refiner’s fire can either burn you up completely or fashion you into a beautiful object.

Let’s embrace God’s refining fire, patiently trusting Him as He walks us through it, as we listen carefully and learn the lessons that come with the season.

Job 23:10 “But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.” (NLT)

6 thoughts on “Trusting the Refiner”

  1. Trusting the Refiner in the process…the clay does not ask the moulder why He is moulding it in a certain way.I am blessed by the piece

  2. Thank you for the amazing piece Alison….”But he knows where I’m going”….
    I needed that part tonight…it soo timely.


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