How Does God Speak to You?

Hello!!! Can you hear me? It’s God speaking – and I have a message for you!

A pretty obvious question, right? God speaks to everyone! But wait – how do you know it’s God speaking to you? How do you differentiate between that greedy and selfish voice in your head and God’s voice? (Don’t feel judged – I have that voice in my head, even as I type this, telling me to go to YouTube and watch a video!)

This is how I have experienced God’s voice over the years.

God speaks through circumstances.

Hmm… I can see the wheels turning in your head. Does it mean that when I lose my job, God is speaking? How about when I lose a loved one? Is God speaking?

I believe He is.

There are many times I have asked God for guidance and He has been silent. Very silent, almost mute! Many times I pray about going to a particular place, and when I get there, somehow things do not work out at all. After that, when I look back and remember I had sought God about going there, I realize that God spoke by making things not work out.

It’s not interesting when things backfire on you. You set your hopes really high and you trust that God is walking with you, only to discover later that what you had hoped for was not His will. It happens to all of us. Don’t be discouraged. Cling tightly to God and ask Him to lead you in His paths – paths of righteousness and blessing. Then the circumstances will begin to make sense.

God speaks through those around us.

This is another tough one. How do I determine whether those around me are in tune with God, and are saying me what He wants me to hear?

Simple. If whatever someone advises you to do aligns with God’s word and principles, you can be sure God is speaking.

So – who are you hanging out with? Who are your closest buddies? Are they walking with God? If you look at their lives and values – do they display godliness? Are they constant seekers of His wisdom?

Once again, don’t feel judged. I have also made mistakes when it comes to friendships and advice. Discerning what advice I should take in and what I should sift out is a challenge to date. What has really helped me is taking a step back to think about what I have been advised to do, and examining how well it aligns with God’s Word.

God speaks through His Word.

This is where the rubber meets the road – if you and I are not reading the Word, we are not listening to God. The Bible is full of words of wisdom, encouragement, rebuke, reassurance, hope, life, and redemption – i.e. words that apply to every area of our lives! If I am not reading the Word, therefore, I am not hearing God.

Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
 they comfort me.” (NIV)

How do you feel when you read these words at a time when you are sad and afraid? Do you feel like God is walking right beside you, holding you up? Well, I do!

Psalm 37: 23 -24 “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” (NIV)

Aah! This verse! Even if I fall, the Lord will hold me up with His hand, and make my steps firm, because I delight in Him!

God’s Word is full of wisdom and insight for us to tap into – if only we would take time to read it and meditate on it regularly!

God speaks through our hearts.

Wait – but our hearts are desperately wicked! How does this work?

I have learnt that it’s a combination of immersing myself in the Word, having close friends who walk closely with the Lord, and keeping a watchful eye on the circumstances around me.

I am not perfect at this, though. I am still learning to listen. Hearing that little voice is so hard especially when there are louder voices all around me, giving advice that seems to be sounder than what I hear in my heart. I am however determined to learn to hear His voice. I hope you are too!

Finally let me share one of my favourite verses from Isaiah, one that aptly describes how God speaks to us.

Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (NIV)




1 thought on “How Does God Speak to You?”

  1. True. Hearing that small voice is so hard at a time when worldly voices are so loud, even inside churches. If only God would help us christians to be ernestly wise in seeking the kingdom first …May God give you strength to carry on the good work.


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