I could barely hear it,
A quiet tap, tap, tap…
Did I hear my own things?
Maybe it was a raindrop,
Or a leaf falling on the ground.
It was a gentle knock,
At the door of my heart.
I had closed my heart to Him.
I was tired.
In pain.
My faith was now a ritual.
Everyone around thought I was still walking with Him.
But no, I had gone off on my own,
So far that I could barely hear,
The gentle knock,
At the door of my heart.
Tap, tap, tap…
Leave me alone!
I like wallowing in misery!
I like being angry at you, God!
It gives me an excuse not to pray,
Or read your word.
Go away!
My thoughts screamed these words,
As I heard one more gentle knock,
At the door of my heart.
Okay, Lord…
What do you want?
I want you back.
Me? Why? I don’t want to come back!
Why not?
I don’t like the way things have worked out in my life.
I want out!
Do you really want out?
Yes, I do. I’m tired of this faith thing.
Remember that I love you, my child,
And I always will.
As I walked away,
I could still feel the gentle knock,
At the door of my heart.
I couldn’t run away from it.
It was ever so gentle.
Not intrusive. Not offensive.
Gentle and loving.
Like it came from the hand of One who truly loved me.
I tried to ignore it, but I couldn’t.
It was there when I put my head on the pillow,
All through the night,
And when I woke up the next morning.
So I gave in to it.
The next time I felt the gentle knock,
I opened my heart to Him.
And I never closed it again.
We all go through tough seasons where the last thing we want to hear is God knocking at the door of our hearts. Let Him in. He knows what you are going through and will be by your side as you go through it. He loves you. Trust Him.
God never leaves us nor forsakes us even when we forsake Him.
Amen! Thank you for reading!
Thanks Alison for this wonderful message. It reminds me of a time I also felt the same way.
Thank you for reading! Be blessed.
So real and beautiful written, for sure we’ve all gone through seasons like these. Always a blessing to read from you.