The 24-Year Wait

In our days, everyone wanted to go to university after high school. I was no exception. Unfortunately, I was called to do a course I had no idea about. I went anyway and did my best to understand what was going on but it was a real struggle. My grades were terrible, totally unlike the grades that had gotten me into university in the first place! I however developed some great friendships in campus, grew in my faith, and most importantly discovered a love for music.

When I left university, all I wanted to do was teach music. My parents were supportive and helped me get through the initial stages of professional certification after which I got my first job! Yippee!! I was working! After a while, though, I began to desire to be recognized as a teacher by the government!

That dream may sound weird to you, but I still wanted to be a certified teacher for many years after that, even though I was already settled in my profession. I however shelved that dream because it meant going back to college or university to get teaching certification. I didn’t have time for that – I was too busy working and raising a family.

However, a few years ago, the powers that be decided that everyone interacting directly with school children should be registered. This was exciting and scary news. I wanted to get registered, but where would I get a course that would not interfere with my other income-generating activities? God, however, provided an opportunity for me to pursue an Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) course online, which worked well for me as I was still able to go to work. The course was interesting, teaching practice was fun, and then came the exams. I was so sure that God would help me to ace these as they were nothing like what I gnashed with in campus.

Side note – I was studying for my exams as my firstborn was preparing for her final primary school exams!

I failed one paper. Oh, Lord!

I was so disappointed. I didn’t have the energy or the time to redo it. My plans were thrown into disarray!

Anyway – I dusted myself off and prepared for the resit which came six months later. What a long wait! I finally did it and waited with bated breath for the results.

I got my results four months later, and I had passed! When I saw the certificate I was elated. I was finally a trained teacher! Woohoo!

The next hurdle was certification. It took three months to get all the documents ready. I submitted everything, prayed, and left everything to the Lord. I knew that if it was part of His plan for me, I would succeed in getting registration.

Then, on Sunday, March 24, 2024, I got a message from the registration body indicating that my registration was successful and I was now a registered teacher!

Good people, there is a testimony here.

The first time I looked at the teacher registration form was in the year 2000 just after I had changed jobs. I filled it but I didn’t have any documents indicating I had done an education course to attach. 24 years later, the Lord answered my prayer. 24 years!!!!

God is faithful. He knows our hearts and grants our desires according to His will. I am so grateful to Him.

You know what, dear friends? The Lord didn’t have to answer my prayer. He could have worked things out differently. He however granted my desire as a way of building my faith in Him. Since then I have seen God answer tiny, insignificant prayers that I cannot even say out loud because it would be embarrassing for anyone to know I prayed about such things. He’s been teaching me that He cares about everything that concerns me, no matter how small it is.

Have you been waiting for God to answer your prayer? Surrender everything to Him and let Him work according to His will. Let Him draw you closer to Himself as you wait on Him. Look around keenly and see Him working on the small things as you wait for the big things.

“As for me, I look to the LORD for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.” (Micah 7:7 NLT)

“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. (Lamentations 3:25 ESV)

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